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Create a Web Form in Your Workflow

A web form allows you to construct a form for a workflow participant to complete. This allows you to collect information that can be used later on in the workflow.

Before You Begin

Before you can create a web form, you need to create a workflow.

Create a Web Form

  1. In the workflow Designer, click “Insert First Task” or click the + above or below an existing step.
  2. Choose “User Task”, then “Form”.
  3. In the right panel, you can modify the default task name, Web Form. It’s a good idea to make your task names descriptive and meaningful so that it’s easy to distinguish the current workflow step.
  4. From the assigned-to dropdown, select the task assignee. The workflow originator (the person who ran the workflow) will be available for selection, and in addition, there may be other participants available if they’ve been invited to the workflow or referenced as a property.
  5. Click the “Edit” button in the builder, or from the task actions dropdown, select “Edit”.
  6. In edit mode, on the general tab, you can specify a heading and subheading for the form, as well as an action button. An action button allows the workflow to progress to the next step. It also allows multiple paths (branches) of completion of the workflow (for example, if a request is accepted it would take one path forward, and if rejected would take a different path).
  7. Switch to the “Form Fields” tab to start adding fields to your form.
  8. From the “Insert Field” dropdown, select a form field type:
    • Single-Line Text – you can choose how a user’s response will be formatted, in some cases restricting what the user can input (e.g., phone number)
      • If you specify that the input must be a number, you can optionally further restrict a minimum and maximum number, and if you specify a step, the field will appear with up/down arrows for a user to select a number of a certain multiple (e.g., you could restrict the input such that a user must select from 0-100 in a multiple of 10, with the minimum set to 0, the maximum set to 100, and the step set to 10).
      • Some types optionally allow you to pre-fill the field with information from the user’s profile (e.g., email address). A user can overwrite this pre-filled field if needed.
    • Multiple Choice – you select the choices to give your user, as well as how the options are chosen (i.e., dropdown, checkbox, radio button)
    • Simple Checkbox – a single checkmark field allowing checked or unchecked (can be used with Fill and Sign checkmark fields)
    • Date Picker – a standard calendar widget that allows a user to choose a date
    • Multi-Line Text – allows the user to type in multiple lines of text, expanding as needed
    • File Upload – allows the user to upload a single file or multiple files (which can be optionally combined into a single PDF), and which file types you want to accept
    • Group Heading – this inserts a visible labeled divider in your form so you can cluster fields together under a heading (e.g., if you want to group all “Vendor Information” together separately from “P.O. Request Information”)
    • Instruction – this will appear as a read-only text field where you can provide instructions to your user
  9. Depending on the field type you’ve selected, there will be different options for you to choose. Most of the field types have the following common options:
    • Field Label – the visible label identifying the field on the form
    • Property Name – this value allows you to reference this information dynamically from other forms or fields (for example, if you want to customize email notifications to refer to a specific purchase order or an applicant’s date of birth, you’ll be able to insert a property into your email tasks that will dynamically pull in the value from this field)
    • Field Size – determines the size of the field on the form
    • Required checkbox – adds an asterisk to the field and prevents a user from progressing through the workflow without filling the field
    • Read-Only checkbox – this will insert an unchangeable value from another form or field with the same property name (for example, if you’ve already asked a user for a mailing address on a previous form, this value can be inserted into the current form as well)
  10. Once you’re done configuring a particular field, click the back arrow at the top of the right panel so that you can add more fields.
  11. In the main “Form Fields” tab, you can re-order your fields as needed by grabbing them on the right side and dragging them. You can edit a particular field by clicking it.
  12. Once you’ve configured all of your fields, click <.

Related Information

Add an Image to a Form (Workflow)
All About Workflows (Quick Reference)

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