
View Products Overview

Collect information to use in contracts and agreements.

Create contracts swiftly through templates, AI, or create and edit your own.

Route contracts seamlessly for editing, review, and approval.

Easily work with internal and external participants to edit and redline contracts in real-time

Capture secure, compliant, and legally binding signatures on any device.

Connect to the systems you use daily, or build into your application with our APIs.

Edit a Workflow After it has Been Published

Once you’ve published and run your workflow, you may find that you want to make some changes to it to better suit your needs.

Edit a Workflow

  1. If you’re not in the main Docubee Dashboard, click the Dashboard icon in the upper-left of the screen.
  2. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Once you’ve edited your workflow as needed, click Publish to make it available to run.
    Note that your changes will only affect workflows created after this modification (that is, it won’t affect any workflow instances based on this workflow that you’ve already run).

Related Information

All About Workflows (Quick Reference)

Need more help getting set up? Contact us for assistance from our customer support team.