
View Products Overview

Collect information to use in contracts and agreements.

Create contracts swiftly through templates, AI, or create and edit your own.

Route contracts seamlessly for editing, review, and approval.

Easily work with internal and external participants to edit and redline contracts in real-time

Capture secure, compliant, and legally binding signatures on any device.

Connect to the systems you use daily, or build into your application with our APIs.

Send Workflows Using Dynamic Delivery Methods

After you’ve built your workflow, sharing with participants is easy via several dynamic delivery methods. Docubee automatically generates shareable links and QR codes that can be dropped into your favorite delivery method. You can also add email, SMS text, or bulk send steps into your workflows that automatically notify parties when it’s their turn to participate.

Learn about all of the delivery methods at your fingertips.

Ways to Share and Start Workflows

Embedded URLs
Each workflow created in Docubee is associated with its own unique URL that can be used anywhere a link can be added. Use an embedded URL on websites, landing pages, emails, social media posts, or whatever platform your customers are using.

QR Code
Unique QR codes are automatically generated for each workflow within Docubee. QR codes are essentially a digital barcode that users can click, or scan using a smartphone. QR codes can be displayed digitally or on a physical piece of paper for participants to scan.

There are a couple of different ways to send workflows via email.  One method is to manually copy and paste either a QR code or unique URL into your own internal email. You can also add a step within your workflow to automatically generate and send an email when it comes time for a participant to jump in. Email notifications created in Docubee can be customized with company branding and unique copy.

SMS Text Messaging
Some participants prefer to receive notifications via SMS text. This is an add-on feature that can be built into your workflows in the place of or in addition to email notifications. Text messages sent from within Docubee will arrive from an Amazon phone number and contain a link to the participant’s next step in the workflow.

Bulk Launch
The bulk launch feature allows you to send your workflow to multiple people at once. Simply upload a CSV file with the email addresses of those you wish to send the workflow. To automate this task, specify a date and time for the email to be sent.

Send Your Workflow Link or QR Code to Participants

  1. Navigate to your dashboard by clicking the computer icon in the top right corner of the screen. Here, you can see a list of your workflows on the left-hand side.
  2. Hover over the workflow you’d like to send and click the 3 dots next to its name, then click “Share Workflow”.
  3. Upon clicking, a pop-up will appear with a shareable link and a QR code. Copy and paste the link or QR code and insert into your emails, SMS texts, landing pages, or whatever delivery method works best for you and your customers.

Watch this quick demo on sharing workflows with participants in Docubee:

Related Information

All About Workflows (Quick Reference)

Need more help getting set up? Contact us for assistance from our customer support team.